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Needing to use the new file manager?

Many of the articles on this support site aimed at vendors also apply to Rep Agency sites. If your Rep Agency is maintaining vendor sites for inclusion on your Rep site, you will need to manage it as if you were a vendor, including uploading and processing images, importing a product spreadsheet, uploading category images (if desired). Differences with vendor sites are outlined below.


There is an additional step for Sales Rep Agencies: that is, selecting your manufacturers. The steps outlined above either have already been performed for each of your manufacturers, or will need to be performed for each manufacturer you want included on your web site. Then you need to select each of your manufacturers under “Rep Setup” in the admin console.

If you need to select a new manufacturer, click “Add/Edit Manufacturer”. There you will see an alphabetical list of all manufacturers in the CAMEO EZ Library, presented 100 per page, along with information about how many Total Items (SKUs) are in the Library for that manufacturer. If the vendor does not appear on the list contact OmegaNet to add the vendor to the CAMEO EZ server.

To select a manufacturer, simply click the checkbox to the right and when you have finished selecting on that page, click “Update Selection” at the bottom of the page. Doing this will make the product images and prices for the manufacturer(s) you selected appear on your web site in their own sections. Minimum order and payment information will be brought with the manufacturer choice by simply checking the manufacturer and the ordering pages will be built automatically. In some cases, the manufacturer may have chosen how it wishes to have its products displayed so the pages may look different from one manufacturer section to another.

To delete a manufacturer, click “View Manufacturers” to see the manufacturers you have currently selected. The Manufacturers are divided by their Categories, or Lines, so to delete the entire manufacturer, you need to uncheck each Category. Then simply click “Update Selection” and the Manufacturer with its images and product information will be gone from your web site. The information will remain in the CAMEO EZ Library for use by other Rep Agencies or Retail stores.

Manufacturer Images in Rep Sites

Rep sites can have representative images for each of the manufacturers that will be displayed automatically with the manufacturer list when the following directions are followed.

To display an image for a manufacturer there are two thing which must be done:
1) name the image properly
2) upload the image to the correct folder.

The image must be named “usernameThumb.jpg”, where “username” is the CAMEO EZ system username for the manufacturer. For instance if the manufacturer is Acme Products, Inc. and the username is acme, the image would be named “acmeThumb.jpg”. Note that the name must include “.jpg” in lower case and “Thumb” with a capital “T”.

If the manufacturer is already in the CAMEO EZ system it will already have a username assigned. Currently there is no way for the Rep to see the username in the CAMEO system. You can get a list of your manufacturers’ usernames from OmegaNet Inc.

The images will be displayed in the size that you upload them, so you may want to establish minimum and maximum dimensions that you want to use. We recommend not less than 100 pixels wide and 75 pixels high.

To upload the image you do not use the uploaders under Image Manager. Also the Image Processor does not affect these images. Instead go to the Main Console and click on File Manager. You should see the “images” folder. Double click it to go inside it – that is to make it the current directory – then use the file uploader at the bottom of the page to send the image to your web site.

The image should appear automatically in your list of manufacturers.


If you are managing a vendor site to display on your site, you will be able to enter a description of the Manufacturer on the product spreadsheet that you upload. However, if the vendor is a CAMEO EZ website client or if you are integrated and pulling in your vendors’ data automatically, you will either get the description created by the vendor or there will be no description.

To create your own description for any of your vendors, go to your Admin Console > Rep Setup > View Mfr Details. Here you will see a list of your selected vendors. You can toggle whether the vendor has images or not, but most importantly, this is where you write your own description for the vendor. If the vendor has their own description, this will override it on your site.


Products can display two ways: with thumbnail images or as a list without images. If the vendor has no images in the CAMEO EZ system, it may be preferable to display the products as a list. If you are maintaining a vendor site for inclusion on your site, you can make this choice as follows:

In the VENDOR’S Admin Console, go to Page Builder > Main Template. In the top section of the page (“Main Page Layout Type”), select either Thumbnail View or List View.

Refresh your browser to see the change. It may take an hour or two to see the change if the cache is slow to refresh.

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