CAMEO EZ© Retail FAQ for Zen Cart Sites. (Not Zen Cart? Go to WordPress/WooCommerce Tutorials)
Section 1 Retail Admin • Go to Section 2: Retail Advanced
In the Retail Admin, How Do I …?
- …Get to my Admin Area and manage admin users?
- …Import and/or edit my products?
- …Import my product images?
- …Change the pictures in my slide show?
- …Get my orders?
- …Deactivate products without deleting them?
- …Change the number of products displayed per page?
- …Change the size of my product thumbnail pictures?
- …Create options for my products?
- …Modify the Category Picture size at the top of product pages.
- …Change the which sidebar boxes (InfoBoxes) show and in what order?
- …Display the Category Name instead of “Category Contents”?
- …Change the number of Products per row of the Thumbnail product page and Modify what shows on the Thumbnail product page?
- …Modify the layout of the Large image product page?
- …Change the email addresses for orders, etc.?
- …Change the wording and pictures on the pages other than product pages, like the home page, about us, etc.?
- …Upload image (or other types of) files to my web site?
- …Set up sales tax?
- …Select/Deselect payment methods?
- …Remove the “New Products” box from the bottom of the center column?
- …Create discount coupons?
- …Change whether a discount coupon affects shipping or not?
- Your Admin:In your web browser address bar, type “”. Of course you will substitute your actual domain name for “” in the address just given. That is the default URL, but your case could be different. If that URL doesn’t work, contact OmegaNet for the correct URL for your site.
You will be taken to a login page. Your username will be your name, usually first and last, capitalized with a space, or if you prefer it can be your company name. Your password can be whatever you like but OmegaNet may assign a password that matches your CAMEO EZ© server user password.Initially, OmegaNet will create an admin user account for you. You may create additional accounts as follows. In the admin, “Tools” >> “Admin Settings”, click “insert”. Fill in the Admin’s Name, Email Address and Password and Confirm Password. Click “Save”.
You can edit an existing Admin by clicking the green “e” and delete an admin by clicking the red “x”.NOTE:You must also set the permissions for the new admin by clicking the orange “p”. Check the boxes for the admin features you want to make available to the current Admin.
Back to top - Managing Product Information:There are two ways to get your products into your website
- import a spreadsheet or
- enter product data one at a time in the Admin.
Spreadsheet Method. This method is preferred if you are importing a large number of products or if you are making multiple changes to your product line. You can download a sample spreadsheet at
NOTE: This system uses tab-delimited files only. You may create your spreadsheet in Excel but you must “Save As” tab-delimited for import to your website. Although the columns are labeled in the Sample Spreadsheet and are mostly self explanatory, instructions for completing the spreadsheet are at
When your spreadsheet is complete you will go to “Tools” >> “Easy Populate” and browse for the spreadsheet’s location on your computer under “Upload EP File”.
NOTE:Do not delete columns from the spreadsheet even if you are not using them. Do not add columns either. Correct importation of the data depends on keeping the column number and order as they are.
NOTE:Categories and Products are not deleted or deactivated from the website when you remove them from the spreadsheet. You must change the “status” to “Inactive” in the spreadhseet or use the Single Item Method as outlined below to deactivate or delete Categories and Products.
Single Item Method.This method of adding or editing products works best when only a few changes are needed. In the Admin, click “Catalog” >> “Categories/Products”. If you are starting from scratch, you first need to create Categories. Click the “new category” button. You can name the Category, add a description, image and/or sort order. When finished, click “preview” and then “insert” to save. You will then see your Category in the list. To add a product to your Category, click on it once to select it and then click “New Product”. Fill in the information and click “preview”, then “insert” to save.
- Importing Product Images: How you import product images may depend on which method you use to import your product data (see #2 above). If you are using the Single Item Method, you can use the image uploader on the Add Product page to upload an image for each product as you enter its data. If you are using the Spreadsheet Method, you may prefer to use the File Manager.
- NOTE: You should upload image that are slightly larger than your large image on your web site (“Configuration” >> “Images” >> “Product Info – Image Width”) to insure good quality. Image Magic will automatically resize your images according to the settings you have selected in “Configuration” >> “Images”.
- You can name your images any way you please because you will indicate the name in the spreadsheet for each item, however, it is recommended that you name your images with your exact SKU numbers.
- Slide Show: The optional slide show is a combination of Adobe (Macromedia) Flash and an XML file that names the slides. In most installations, OmegaNet will use generic names like “slide1.jpg”, “slide2.jpg”, etc., so you can merely upload a new “slide2.jpg” to overwrite the existing one. That way you don’t have to be concerned with the scripting. To upload the new image, use one of the two FTP methods mentioned in #3 above. Slides should be uploaded to the “images” directory.
NOTE: All slide images must be the same dimensions or the images will be forced to the size of the slide show, resulting in distortion of the image.
Back to top - Orders: In the site admin >> “Customers” >> “Orders” you will see a list of all orders that have been placed. To see the details or print the order, click “edit”. There are also options for “ship”, “delete”, “update” and you can print a packing slip or invoice.
NOTE: You will receive an email to notify you than an order has been placed. The customer will also receive a copy of the email.
If the customer paid with credit card, half the credit card number will come to you in a second email and the other half will be in the admin.
Back to top - As with importing and creating products on your web site, there are two basic methods:
- Spreadsheet Method: Change the Status field to “Inactive” for all products you wish to deactivate and import the spreadsheet as outlined in #2 above. 2) If you only need to deactivate one item, you can do so in the Site Admin: click “Catalog” >> “Categories/Products” and then click through the Category and SubCategory (if any) to get to the product you want to deactivate. Click once on the product to select it. Then, under “Status” click the ghosted red dot. It will change to bright red and the green dot will now be ghosted.
- Alternately, you can deactivate an item if you have clicked “edit” by changing “Product Status” to “Out of Stock”.
NOTE:Removing a product from the spreadsheet and importing the spreadsheet DOES NOT deactivate it. You must change Column T, “v_status”, from “Active” to “Inactive” or change single items as described above to deactivate them.
Back to top - Setting the number of Products Displayed per page: In the site admin >> “Configuration” >> “Maximum Values”, edit “Search Results” to the number you want to appear on each page.
Back to top - Product Images: In the site admin >> “Configuration” >> “Images” , edit “Small Images”; set height and width to the maximum size desired. The proportions of the original will be maintained.
NOTE:Usually it works best to pay special attention to the width, since you want your products to all appear on the page without forcing your customer to scroll left to right. In order to get a pleasing appearance and good proportions between horizontal and vertical images you might have to modify the “paper size” of vertical images to make their width match that of the horizontal images. Otherwise the horizontal images will appear smaller than the vertical ones because the width of both will be the same.
Back to top - To learn how to create options, click here.
- Category Image Size: In the site admin >> “Configuration” >> “Images” , edit “Heading Images”; set desired maximum height and width.
NOTE:This will also affect the images that display in the same location with the shopping cart. They will initially be too large and pixelated. Add paper to these images to fix.
Back to top - Sidebar: In the site admin >> “Tools” >> “Layout Boxes Controller” you will see a list of available Infoboxes relating to various features. There are seven columns: “Box File Name”, “Left/Right Column Status”, “Left or Right Column”, Left/Right Column Sort Order”, “Single Column Sort Order”, Single Column Status” and “Action”. on the extreme right is an “Edit” button. Click on the row for the box you want to edit and click the Edit button. Under “Filename” you can turn on/off boxes. “Location” lets you choose whether that box will appear in the left or right columns.
If “Single Column Status” is set to “On”, “Location” will be ignored. “Left/Right Column Sort Order” lets you position the boxes. Give boxes you want higher in the column a lower number, starting with 0, 1, 2, etc. “Single Column Sort Order” lets you position the boxes if you have “Single Column Status” set to “On”.
Back to top - Category Name: In the admin, under “Catalog” >> “Categories / Products”, click once on a category to select it and click the green “e” to edit the Category. Put the name of the Category in the blank “Category Name:”.
Back to top - Product Layout: In the admin >> “Configuration” >> “Product Listing”, change “Product Listing – Columns Per Row”.You can make many other changes to the layout of the thumbnail image product page in the admin under “Configuration” >> “Product Listing”. There you can decide whether to display the “Model” or SKU number, whether to display the weight, etc.
Back to top - Large Image and Description: In the admin >> “Configuration” >> “Product Info” are many options for displaying product information on the Large Image Page. The size of the Large image is set in “Configuration” >> “Images” >> “Product Info – Image Height” OR “Product Info – Image Width”. Do not set both height and width.
Back to top - Email Addresses:In the admin under “Configuration” >> “E-Mail Options”, there are several entries for email addresses:
- “Send Copy of Order Confirmation Emails To” is the email address that will receive notifications, including order confirmations.
- “E-Mail Address (Displayed to Contact you” is the main contact email for the web site
- “Send Copy of Create Account Emails to” can be used if you want a different person to be notified when someone creates an account than the person at your company that you want to receive the order notifications.
These email addresses can be different or all the same as you choose. There are other Email addresses that can be set as you prefer.
Back to top - Editing Information Pages: In the admin, under “Tools” >> “Define Pages Editor”, is a dropdown that says “Select a file to edit…” There you can edit the home page (define_main_page.php”, the Contact Us page (define_contact_us.php), etc. Select the page you want to edit. Use the editor to make changes to your page like you would to a word-processing document. Move your mouse over each of the icons in the toolbar to see it’s name and function.
To change an existing picture, click on the one you want to change to select it and then click the icon for “Insert/Edit Image” (it looks like a landscape painting in a frame). You can then change the name of the picture (somepicture.jpg) in the box that pops up. Leave the rest of the URL ( as it is. If you want to add a new picture, move your cursor to the place where you want the picture to be and click the “Insert/Edit Image” icon. Add the path (URL) to the picture to the blank where it says “http://“. Your URL should look like “” or ““. But first you have to upload your pictures to the web site (see #16 below).
Back to top - Uploading Files: The best way to upload any type of file to your site is through our File Manager. This requires that you use the site Admin Console (the admin for wholesale sites)
Back to top - Setting Up Sales Tax: Currently you are only required to charge sales tax to customers who live in states where you have business locations. In the admin, under “Locations / Taxes” >> “Zone Definitions” click “Insert”. Enter information in the two blanks.
Example:in the blank titled “Zone Name”, enter “California Sales Tax” if you want to charge sales tax to people from California. In the blank titled “Description”, enter “California State Tax” or something similar. You will see a folder titled “California Sales Tax” or whatever your “Zone Name” was.Next, click “Tax Rates” under “Locations/Taxes” and then “New Tax Rate”. Select “Taxable Item” from the “Tax Class Title” dropdown. Select your new Zone from the “Zone” dropdown. Enter a Tax Rate as a percentage. Enter the Description you want to appear in the Checkout form. Last enter a Priority. You can make this “0” if only one tax rate will apply. If you are adding sales tax for several overlapping governmental levels (city, county, state), etc. you can assign a priority.
Back to top - Payment Methods: In the admin, under “Modules” >> “Payment” you can install the payment method you want to use. There may be additional setup for some payment methods such as when you use a payment gateway such as or a service like Paypal.If you are taking credit cards, you can select which credit cards you will accept under “Configuration” >> “Credit Cards”. Simply change the “0” to “1” for the credit cards you accept.If you are using Authorize.Net, in the admin, under “Modules” >> “Payment” > “Credit Card/”, check the credit cards you accept.
Back to top - Removing “New Products” from the Home Page: In the admin, “Configuration” >> “Index Listing”, set “Show New Products below Product Listing” to “0” (zero).
Back to top - Coupons:In the admin, Vouchers/Coupons >> Coupon Admin you can create coupons with a variety of features. Click the “Insert” button to create a new Coupon, then vill out the form.
- Coupon Name: A short name for the coupon.
- Coupon Description: A description of the coupon for the customer.
- Coupon Amount: If you want to give a dollar amount off, state the amount without a dollar sign.
Example: five dollars would be 5.00. If you want to give a percentage off, add a percent sign.
Example:twenty percent would be 20%.
- Coupon Minimum Order: The minimum order value before the coupon is valid, expressed as a number without dollar sign.
- Free Shipping: Check this box if you are giving free shipping with the coupon.
- Coupon Code: Enter the Code that you want to use to designate the coupon. This can be either a word or a number.
- Start Date: Enter the beginning date you want the coupon to be good for. Use the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Example:May 5, 2008 would be 05/08/2008.
- End Date: Enter the date you would like the coupon to expire. Use the same format as Start Date: mm/dd/yyyy.
- Uses per Coupon: You can limit the number of times the coupon is used by putting a number here.
Example:if your offer is “The first 100 customers get 20% off”, put 100 here. If you want the coupon to be available to an unlimited number of customers to use the coupon, leave this field blank.
- Uses per Customer: You can limit the number of uses per customer.
Example: if you want each customer to only use the coupon once, put a 1 in this field. If you want to allow unlimited uses per customer, leave this field blank. NOTE:If you have left the field blank and saved the coupon, then return to Coupon Admin, the field may say “1” because that is the default recommendation, so if you make a change, remove the “1” before resaving.
- Valid Product List: You can limit the coupon to just certain products by putting the ID number of the product(s) here. YOu can put ID numbers for multiple products, separated by commas.
Example: 723,725,346.
NOTE:Use the ID number assigned by the system, not your SKU number. You can determine the ID number by mousing over the picture of the item and looking at the link destination at the bottom of your browser window or clicking to go to the large image and checking “id=???” in the address bar.
- Valid Categories List: You can make the coupon valid for certain categories by putting the category id numbers here, separated by commas.
NOTE: Use the category ID number assigned by the system. Locate the id number by mousing over the Category name or going to the Category and check “Path=???”.
IMPORTANT: Do not duplicate parent categories with subcategories.
Example: if “Jar Candles” is a subcategory of “Candles”, only put the ID number for “Jar Candles”; not both “Jar Candles” and “Candles” or the discount will be applied twice.
- Discount Coupon and Shipping: In the admin, under Modules > Order Total. Shipping needs to have a higher number than Discounts if you don’t want the shipping amount to be affected by a discount.
Example: 10 Total of order (you can assign any number) 20 Discounts 30 Sales Tax 40 Sub Total or Total 50 Shipping 60 TotalIn the example above, shipping is calculated after discounts have been subtracted and sales tax has been added.
Advanced FAQ
How Do I …?
- …Modify the PHP files to make the changes described in the Advanced FAQ?
- …Modify the Page Title at the top of the browser window?
- …Remove links from “Information” InfoBox?
- …Modify field labels (such as “Name”, “Address”, “Zip Code”, etc.) in Account and Checkout Forms.
- …Create custom pages?
- …Change the meta tags?
- …Modify Success Notifications (“Account Creation Successful!”, “Order Successful” etc.)?
- …Change the layout of the Header and Footer that appears on all pages.
- …Change CSS colors and styles?
- …Add custom links to a sidebar, other than those in the Infobox Admin?
- …Change the Shipping methods available, i.e. remove FedEx ground as an option?
- …Get rid of the “Page Not Found” error when I try to checkout or create an account?
- …Add text to pages like the Checkout Form, Registration Form, etc.
- To edit the files mentioned in the Advanced FAQ, you will need to use a text editor such as Notepad on Windows Computers or some other editor that does not format text for printing. Some HTML editors can edit PHP files. Word processors, such as Microsoft Word, should not be used because they will introduce formatting and may substitute special characters which will not work in PHP files. You will also need to be able to access the files on your web site via our File Manager.
Back to top - Edit /catalog/includes/languages/english/cameoez/meta_tags.php (if there is no “meta_tags.php” under cameoez, it is located in the “english” folder. After editing, upload it to the “cameoez” folder to make it supercede the original file). Edit line 11 “page title” and line 14 “Site Tagline”. Keywords are edited on line 17. // page title define(‘TITLE’, ‘New Title‘);// Site Tagline define(‘SITE_TAGLINE’, ‘New Tagline‘);
Back to top - in /catalog/includes/modules/sideboxes/information.php, comment out unwanted links using forward slashes and copy the modified file to /catalog/includes/modules/sideboxes/cameoez to preserve the original file. Use double forward slashes ( // ) to comment out unwanted lines.
Back to top - Edit definitions in /catalog/includes/languages/english.php. Example: Line 223: ” define(‘ENTRY_POST_CODE’, ‘Post/Zip Code:’);” becomes “define(‘ENTRY_POST_CODE’, ‘Zip / Postal Code:‘);”
Back to top - In the admin, “Tools” >> “EZ-Pages” you can create new custom pages by clicking “New File”. You must give the page a Title and then use the editor to add content to the page.To link to the new page from other pages the format is as follows:<a href=”index.php?cPath=1″>In the above, “cPath=1” corresponds to the ID number assigned to the page automatically by the system. The ID number is displayed in the leftmost column when you first select “EZ-Pages” from the “Tools” menu. Subsequent pages would be “cPath=2”, “cPath=3”, etc.
Back to top - It’s possible to simply hard-code the meta tags in the main_page.tpl.php like you would any header, but this defeats the OS Commerce individual page meta tag system. The system takes the Category name and product information on the page and assembles it into meta tags that are specific to each page. This is done in /catalog/includes/meta_tags.php. I haven’t been able to thoroughly test this, but I think you can add general site description and keywords at the beginning of meta_tags.php.Add the keywords on line 24 where it says: $mt_extra_keywords = ‘keywords here‘;Add the description on line 26 where it says: $web_site_tagline = TERTIARY_SECTION . ‘description here‘;
Back to top - In /catalog/includes/languages/english: For the message that comes up after creating a new account: modify create_account.php. Modify “account_notifications.php”, “checkout_confirmation.php”, etc., etc. for other notifications.
Back to top - In /catalog/templates/cameoez/, edit main_page.tpl.php
Back to top - In the root directory (“/catalog”) and there is a file called “stylesheet.css”. Editing this file will change colors and the attributes of many aspects of the web site. Consult reference books and web sites concerning the editing of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to learn more about doing this.
Back to top - In /catalog/includes are the files column_left.php and column_right.php. It is possible to put standard HTML links in these files, however it appears the link will always be at the top of the column and there is no way to insert a custom link between Infoboxes.
Back to top - In /catalog/includes/modules/shipping find the file that pertains to your shipping method and comment out ( // ) the methods the client doesn’t allow. Example: to remove the FedEx ground shipping method, modify “fedex1.php”, line 40, so that ’92’ => ‘Ground Service’ becomes // ’92’ => ‘Ground Service’.
Back to top - Modify the /catalog/includes/configure.php so the URL is correct: Line 14: define(‘HTTP_SERVER’, ‘’); // eg, http://localhost – should not be empty for productive servers Line 15: define(‘HTTPS_SERVER’, ‘’); // eg, https://localhost – should not be empty for productive servers (“cameoezuser” will, by default show the cameoez username, which is the same as the CAMEO EZ Admin Console login) AND Line 21: define(‘DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG’, ‘/catalog/’); Line 22: define(‘DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG’, ‘/catalog/’); NOTE: Before the domain has been transferred or redirected to OmegaNet’s server, you can test the site by changing “true” to “false” on line 16: define(‘ENABLE_SSL’, false); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?
Back to top - The structure for various pages is contained in /catalog/templates/fallback/content. These files are characterized by the double ending “.tpl.php”.
Example:To add custom wording (other than heading wording) to the Checkout form, choose between checkout_payment.tpl.php, checkout_confirmation.tpl.php, etc., depending on where in the Checkout process you want your custom information to appear. Edit the file carefully, since table structure may go across “if” statements and look confusing at the code level. Instead of uploading the file to “fallback”, upload it to /catalog/templates/cameoez/content. That way you preserve the original file in “fallback” and you can tell at a glance in /cameoez/content what files you have modified.