What is CAMEO EZ?
CAMEO stands for “Complete Automated Merchant Electronic Ordering.”
“Complete”, because it was much more than a shopping cart, it is a web site management system. It is “Automated”, because it allows clients who don’t know HTML or programming to manage their own web sites without paying designers or programmers to make small changes. The word “Merchant” means that while there are many retail e-commerce shopping carts, the industry has an available wholesale (B2B) system that could require minimum orders, minimum item quantities, etc. The “Electronic Ordering”, feature allows ordering on the web at the convenience of the buyer in a format that is easy to use.

CAMEO EZ is based on completely new technology. A centralized database system allows sharing of data between manufacturer, sales rep, and retail sites. Manufacturers and vendors gain quality control over pricing and images and Sales Rep Agencies have the ability to maintain their multi-line web sites. This results in savings due to the fact that OmegaNet is not involved in the day to day changes the clients need to make. CAMEO EZ has improved Gift Show and Territory Managers, and a Page Builder that enables even more control over page content.
Building product pages has never been easier using the CAMEO EZ Item Spreadsheet. An Excel spreadsheet allows clients to completely organize their ordering pages, establish Categories, apply searchable Keywords to each SKU, and create extra-cost options. In addition, An editor that allows changes to individual items without importing a new spreadsheet and complete web site price lists can be exported as well.
The Item Spreadsheet is the brains of the system and, once it is complete and images uploaded, the pages are built automatically There is no need to build pages at all.. For reps the pages, images and prices are all updated automatically by the manufacturer or OmegaNet Inc. This represents a tremendous time savings!
Another huge time saver is the Image Processor., the Image Processor located in the “Image Manager” in the Admin Console takes images created at one size and creates three sizes from them automatically. There is no need to create thumbnail and full sized images any more.
The features above represent a revolutionary approach to building your CAMEO web site. Once a design has been created, all that is necessary is to complete the CAMEO EZ Item Spreadsheet, upload and process the images and the site is finished and ready to take orders.
Multiple image and file uploaders, make third party file transfer programs unnecessary. Clients can also use FTP (file transfer protocol) or the File Manager to send images files to their website.
The Page Builder feature gives the client the advantage of building a web page using WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) tools to create it.
CAMEO EZ has features for searching and reporting orders. Clients search for all orders that include a SKU or orders for a customer. These order can be exported and imported into other order systems that remove the need to re-enter web orders.
The database functions CAMEO EZ has easy-to-use import and export functions. Clients can easily export their customer data to an Excel spreadsheet in the Excel software.csv format. Clients can import their gift shows after creating an annual list in Excel. Some clients prefer to enter them one at a time. The Item Editor allows changes to single product records and provides the opportunity to export the entire Item Spreadsheet, make large-scale changes and then re-import it.
All of the above features relate to Manufacturers and Manufacturers Representatives (Sales Rep Agencies), which have been OmegaNet’s client base since 1998. Participating manufacturers provide their pricelists and product images for use on their own web sites and on their Sales Reps’ web sites.
CAMEO is copyright 2000 OmegaNet Inc. CAMEO EZ is copyright beginning in 2003 OmegaNet Inc.