For Manufacturers and Reps
In the Admin Console you’ll see several buttons, listed here in the order that they appear in the Console sidebar. Click on a link below to see the explanation.
- Account Setup
- Customers
- Email Notifications
- File Manager
- Trade Show Events
- Image Manager
- Item Manager
- Order Manager
- Page Builder
- Product Categories
- Sales History Reports
- Rep Setup
- Territory Editor
Account Type:
Displays the type of site you have (Mfr, Rep, or Retail).
Set Order Minimums:
(Wholesale Web Sites) Set and edit the minimum first order and minimum re-order amounts for your line.
Billing Options:
Here you can select the payment methods you will accept. Methods you do not select here will not be available as a payment method when your customers check out. Possible payment methods include:
- Visa
- MasterCard
- American Express
- Discover
- Call For Credit Card
- IWillCallWithCreditCard
- UseCreditCardOnFile
- Prepaid
- Company Account
- Terms (Credit Account)
Feature Options:
Here you decide what features you want on your site:
Product Display Options
- Show Item’s Weight (If this is not checked, the contents of the “Weight” column of the Item spreadsheet will not be displayed)
- Show Item’s Dimensions (or size. If this is not checked, the contents of the “Dimensions” column of the Item spreadsheet will not be displayed
- Show thumbnails in the cart (Allows you to show thumbnail images of items in the shopping cart)
- The long description column contains a UPC Code.
Registration Options
- Allow Customer to Copy Registration Info (If a customer has already registered in another CAMEO EZ site, they can copy their information to your site without having to re-register.
- Allow blanks (white space) in Username & password fields in the user registration form. (If checked your registrants may use spaces in their login name and password).
Page Layout Options
- Show Group Layout (a secondary page layout ideal for product pictures with multiple items in them. This option displays text links that correspond to your Categories).
- Show Keyword Search (you can allow customers to search by the Keywords you put in your spreadsheet. If you don’t have Keywords, You can leave this option unchecked and the keyword dropdown won’t appear on your site.)
- Show product counts next to category names
- Show the category picture at the top of category list (Manufacturer Sites. Displays the current Category picture at the top of the shopping pages.
- Show images on the sub-category list
Registration Options
- Allow Customer to Copy Registration Info (If a customer has already registered in another CAMEO EZ site, they can copy their information to your site without having to re-register.
- Allow blanks (white space) in Username & password fields in the user registration form. (If checked your registrants may use spaces in their login name and password).
Marketing Information Options
- Show Require Customer to enter their website URL.
- Show “Who is Your Rep?” in the registration form
- Show “How Did You Hear About Us?” in the registration form
- Show “How Many Stores Do You Have?” in the registration form
Severely Restricted Options
- Require approval of new customer accounts (manual activation. This is for clients wanting to approve new customers before they can enter the web site. This feature is known as “Severely Restricted Registration”)
- Hide Username & Password fields in the registration form (applies to Severely Restricted sites only. Allows customers to apply for entry to your site, but not be able to access it until you issue them a user name and password).
Checkout Options
- Verify Credit Card Number During Checkout (for Retail Sites doing real-time credit card processing).
- Require CVV2 Credit Card Information (If your merchant account charges extra if you don’t get the 3- or 4-digit numbers on the backs of credit card you can check here to require it).
- Use Delivery Date instead of Ship Date on Checkout.
- Use Representative Names from Territories on Checkout.
- Require Acceptance of Terms and Conditions on Checkout.
- Send Orders to Reps (On Manufacturer’s sites only. Check this if you’d like your reps to be emailed a copy of orders in their territory)
Set Standard Categories – Edit Industry Categories.
Select the Industry Standard Categories that fit your product lines from the List below.This will enable store buyers to find your company when doing a search in the CAMEO EZ© Directory.
Manage Encryption – Import Secure Key
For secure check out by your customers OmegaNet, Inc. has an encryption coding system that protects the information provided at checkout. The process of setting the encryption key will be performed with an OmegaNet, Inc. employee assigned to this task.
- Registered Users: The list of all site users. View and edit their information.
- Pending Registrations: This only applies to wholesale sites that are “severely restricted”. This list will be customers who have applied for entry. To activate the customer, click “View/Activate Account”, give them a username and password (if you are not allowing the customer to choose his own) and click “Yes” beside “Activate Account?”. Finally click “Update” at the bottom of the page. The customer will automatically receive an email containing their login and password.
- Add User: Accomplishes the same thing as registration. You can use this to add your own users to the login database.
- Search Users: Use this feature to find specific users by their email address, last name, user name or customer ID.
- Export to file: Export the complete list or partial in CSV or Tab delimited format.
- Import from file: Import your current customer list and assign user names and passwords for instant access.
Instructions for the File Manager can be found here.
- View All: See, edit, or delete Gift Shows currently showing on the site.
- Add Event: Add a Show or select from a list of existing shows to modify.
- Export to file: If you want a CSV file with all show information.
- Import from file: If you want to upload an entire show schedule at once. Refer to the Export file for format.
Each line of an import file should list one event.
The values should be in the following order:
title, start date, end date, location name, address 1, address 2, state, city, zip, comments
In a csv file the values should be separated by commas,
and in a tab delimited file they should be separated by tabs.
2 line CSV Example:
Trade Show,2003-1-13,2003-1-20,Location Name,1234 The Street,TX,Dallas,75207,Some Comments
Trade Show Two,2003-2-13,2003-2-20,Other Location,555 The Ave,MI,Ann Arbor,48104,More Comments
NOTE the Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Excel may change the date format, in which case you may need to open the file in Notepad or some other basic text editor in order to ensure that the date format is correct.
Uploading the above file would insert two events into your list.
NOTE: If you need to use an apostrophe, as in “America’s Mart” you need to “escape” it by putting a backslash in front of it like this: “America\’s”. The backslash won’t show but the file won’t upload without it.
- Image Configuration: Here you can decide the sizes (in pixels) you’d like your product images to be. Three sizes are created from each product image uploaded.
- Browse Images: (See the images you’ve uploaded and processed. Click the “S”, “M”, or “L” to see the existing small, medium and large images that have been created).
- Upload Image: Use this uploader to send a single product image and associate it with a SKU.
- Batch Import: Send as many as 10 product images at a time.
- Process Images: After uploading images (or a new spreadsheet) you must take this step to create the three sizes of images for the web site. If you change your image configuration (sizes), you should click “Force update of all images”, otherwise only new images are processed. Do Not use the Force update of all images if you choose to have alternate images or multiple images in your pop up/view details window.
You will use this button to upload and update your price list spreadsheet. See “Spreadsheet Instructions”.
- Search (you can search by SKU, product name and the product ID used by the system)
- View all items (Shows a list of all items in the database, whether active or not. Click “Edit” to see and modify details of each item).
- Add Item (if you need to just add a few items and don’t want to import an entirely new spreadsheet, use this feature. Remember to export the spreadsheet to get the most up-to-date version before editing and re-importing a new spreadsheet. See “Import from file” and “Export to file” below).
- Delete Item (Allows you to enter a SKU to delete. Don’t use this feature if an item is discontinued but has been ordered in the past and you want it’s information to continue to appear in “Archived Orders” –See under “Order Manager”).
- Deactivate Items without Picture (if you want to not show the “No Picture Available” images on the ordering pages you can click this selection and the items without images won’t show on the product picture pages and won’t be available for ordering).
- Product Sets (more later on this feature)
- Volume Discount Table This feature is for use when you offer a discount at a level above your minimum. So if your minimum order is a quantity of 12, but you offer a discount at 20, you put “20” in the “Start Range” field. Then in the “Amount” field, you put the price after the discount. Finally, put the SKU number in the field for that and click “Add Volume Discount”.You can add as many discount levels as you need to.
- Import from file(This is how your product information gets to the web site database. You must upload either a CSV or Tab-delimited file, not Excel format. When you upload a spreadsheet, records for new items will be created, discontinued items will be de-activated, and new Categories will be created. “Update Database” should be left at “Yes”.
NOTE: Do not check “Clear All” unless a serious mistake has been made and you MUST clear out your entire item database. This will replace all items and categories with new system ID’s. It is only for extreme situations and is not advisable if you have had orders, since checking “Clear All” will change the system Ids for all items and past orders will not display correctly. This option will ask you to enter your username as a precaution). - Export to file Click on the Export to file button and a box will pop up on the right. Click on Export All and an excel spreadsheet in the .csv format that lists all of the products and related information in your database will download. If you have are planning to make changes to the items you should first export the spreadsheet before making large changes to a spreadsheet you intend to re-import. Save the new spreadsheet with a different name than the excel file you exported earlier.
- Pending Orders: New orders go here. Find out full credit card information. Move orders to “Processed Orders” when you have dealt with them.
- Processed Orders: Shows orders moved from Pending.
- Archived Orders: Old orders you want to keep for future reference and reporting.
- Canceled Orders: Orders that were canceled and not shipped.
- Search: By name, SKU or Order ID.
- Export to file: Export orders in tab-delimited format (.txt) for importation into back-office accounting systems.
Click here for information on Sales Reports
- Information Page Wizard: Once we’ve built your pages the first time, you can edit them here. Or you can create new ones. See “Using Page Builder” for detailed instructions.
- Main Template: Here you can select the default template for pages displaying products from your Item spreadsheet. Thumbnail is the layout that shows a small image for each item; List View is a text price list without pictures. If you select Thumbnail, you will be asked to set the number of columns and the total number of items you would like on the page.
- Communication Portal: This only applies to sites with the optional “Rep Comm” site. Use this feature to add new users and passwords
Categories are created when you upload a spreadsheet, but you can also do that here.
- View All: See and edit existing categories, subcategories and subcategories2. Here is where you can select and upload pictures representing each category.
- Add Category (if a category isn’t already created by the spreadsheet import –see “Import from File” under “Item Manager” above.)
- Import from file: Import a list of categories. Seldom needed.
- Default Listings: (Manufacturers can choose the default page layout for their lines. Choices include “Thumbnail View” for lines with one item per image; “Group View” for lines with multiple items per image; “List View” for lines that don’t have images available. The customer will see a pricelist; and “Allow the user to choose”. Different selections can be made for each Category).
- Group Editor: Displays all Categories on one page. Allows deleting multiple Categories at once.
REP SETUP – This feature is only for Rep Groups with a CAMEO EZ multi cart system
- Add/Edit Manufacturers: This is where you select manufacturers for inclusion in the web site. Once the manufacturer has been created and the Item Spreadsheet imported (see “Step by Step” for more), the Manufacturer will appear in the list of Manufacturers in the CAMEO EZ Library. To select the Manufacturer, simply check the box to the right of the Manufacturer name, then click “Update Selection” at the bottom of the page. Once you have selected a Manufacturer it will be bolded in the list and will have a checkmark in its box. Once you have selected the Manufacturer, its product pictures and information will appear on the web site.
- View Mfr Categories: This view shows you just the Manufacturers you have selected and the Categories represented by the Manufacturer.
- View Mfr Details:After you select the product lines in the Add/Edit Mfr list the current product lines will appear here. Click on the circle to the left of the yes if you have uploaded the vendors images. You can add a description of the product line. Scroll down and click on Update.
- Contact Info: The contact information for the Manufacturers you’ve created and selected appears here, including the system ID, username and password.
Click on “Sales Reports” to see the new ones. For best results, select a date range and then one of the numbered reports.
- Registered customers who have ordered on the web and Registered customers who have not ordered on the web: shows who has ordered and registered customers who have not placed orders.
- Top 20 users by $ ordered: shows who ordered the most.
- Sales by state, customer: shows what states your sales are coming from.
- Top 20 best selling SKUs: shows what products are selling best.
- Sales by type of store: allows you to see what store types are buying your products.
- Sales summary by year & month: has a graph to show you what times of year your sales increase or decrease.
- View All: See, edit, or delete Sales Reps and Territories currently showing on the site.
- Add Territory: Add a Sales Rep or select from a list of existing salesreps to modify.
- Export to file: If you want a CSV file with all Territory information.
- Import from file: If you want to upload an entire Sales Rep List at once. Refer to the Export file for format.